There aren’t many places one can call home. College, however, is a place you can. It’s not easy, however, for some people to fit in which is not uncommon. Some people are more inhibited than others and may take time to find their group of friends. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; many people love spending time just by themselves too. However, if you want tips in making friends easily, look no further. Many people try to be overtly social or pretend to be someone they’re not, in order to attract people. They don’t understand that being yourself is key to making friends you’ll truly vibe with You want to attract people like you and being yourself in the utmost sense, is the best way to. Genuineness is the most attractive quality one can possess. Most freshmen have to room on-campus. Use this to your advantage. The place would be bursting with people eager to make friends and just interact. One tip is to leave your room door open. This way you would seem welcoming and people ...